Wendy Sue
3 min readMay 23, 2020

Why is it said that God’s judgment of the last days is the light of man’s salvation? turns out that the judgment isn’t condemnation but deeper salvation for us. listen now!

Gospel Songs About God’s Judgment “God’s Chastisement and Judgment Is the Light of Man’s Salvation”

Verse 1 Living in the flesh is living in a human hell. And without God’s chastisement and judgment, like Satan, man’s unclean as well. Only through chastisement and judgment by God can man awaken, despise his own flesh, despise the evil Satan. Chorus You should know God’s chastisement and judgment is the light, know that God’s judgment is the light of man’s salvation, and know that God’s judgment is man’s best grace and protection. There is no greater blessing, there is no greater blessing.
Verse 2 If man wishes to be cleansed and bring change to his disposition, if he desires a life of meaning and to fulfill his duty as God’s creature, he must accept God’s chastisement and judgment and not let discipline depart him,so he can free himself from Satan, so God’s light he can live in. Chorus You should know God’s chastisement and judgment is the light, know that God’s judgment is the light of man’s salvation, and know that God’s judgment is man’s best grace and protection . There is no greater blessing, there is no greater blessing. Bridge God’s discipline frees man from the influence of Satan, it frees him from his own world, so he may live in the light of God’s presence. There is no better salvation. There is no better salvation. There is no better salvation. There is no better salvation than judgment and chastisement. Chorus You should know God’s chastisement and judgment is the light, know that God’s judgment is the light of man’s salvation, and know that God’s judgment is man’s best grace and protection. There is no greater blessing,there is no greater blessing. Outro Accept His judgment, accept His judgment, live in the light of God. Accept His judgment, accept His judgment, live in the light of God.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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Living Out a Bit of Human Likeness Sure Is Great is the testimony of a Christian experiencing the judgment and chastisement of God’s words. The main character takes on the duty of film director in her church and, after seeing her work achieve some results, she begins to feel that she’s an indispensable talent. Her disposition becomes more and more arrogant: She always wants to have the final say in her duty and refuses to listen to brothers’ and sisters’ suggestions. She also talks condescendingly to others, constrains her brothers and sisters and disrupts the church’s work. After being removed from her duty, through reading God’s words and reflecting on herself, she gains some understanding of her satanic nature of arrogance and conceit, and she is no longer as impudent as before. When encountering issues, she intentionally seeks the truth and listens to others’ opinions, finally living out a bit of a human likeness. She experiences for herself that God’s judgment and chastisement are His true love and salvation for mankind.

After two thousand years of hoping and waiting, the Lord has finally returned! You’re welcome to contact us to learn about the Lord’s appearance and work in the last days, and to attend the Lamb’s feast.

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Wendy Sue
Wendy Sue

Written by Wendy Sue

May all people cherish God’s word and come seeking to know God. May those preordained by God return into His presence.

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